
Hi! I’m Sam Pena, a web designer, developer that enjoys tinkering with all things web; so from time to time this site may change layouts as this is my staging area.

My work experience has taken me from working with animals, a movie rental store, a movie theatre company, a online tech company in the oil industry and currently the higher education field. I’ve enjoyed all of my experiences in these areas so at times it doesn’t really feel like work. I love animals (currently have two giant mutts Jake & Rudolph), movies, music & video games. Enjoyed working on computers; building them or fixing them, so pursued an education in computer science. Luckily my education put me on a career path in the computer science field cause both movie companies I worked for went out of business. I’ve been in Higher Ed for over a decade now and still enjoy learning new things and working on the web.

If you happen to stumble upon this site; be advised it’s always a work in progress. I’ll probably post things web related, my pets, my travel pics, movie & music quotes or lyrics.



Social sharing on the line